Rhod Gibert's Best Bits エピソード・リスト
Rhod Gilbert on BBC Radio Wales.
You are listening to Rhod Gilbert's Best Bits, the best bits of his Saturday morning show, live on BBC Radio Wales. This week. Rhod is on holiday, and, so / me / studio / Newport street philosoph__ / Goldie Lookin Chain / Eggzy into one of his many showbiz stories.
I met / once / Did you? / size of a coffee cup / tiny little man. Tiny little man / Albert Hall / gig / great / and, uh ... / Were you there performing? / to do with a ... a cancer charity / and, so / organized / big event / come and do a show / oh, brilliant / really squeaky voice? "Hiya, guys. It's me, Roger Daltrey from, uh, The Who / great / he's ... tiny. Tiny man. But, uh ... / than you, then? / I'm three foot. So, / did he come up to your / nose / mouth / looking up to you when / speaking / if / 13-year-old cousin / same size / old cousin / wonderful man. A power-house of a man / his own / this / sorry / documentary / a guy who went / rainfor__est / South America / very little contact / outside / they volunteered / back to the western world / this documentary / this kid back from the rain-forest / just coming to America / film / this is almost / fair / kid comes back to Britain / never seen cars / electricity / went to / Roger / trout farm / hang out / no idea / why would / still / there / too many questions / so many questions. So many questions / pick / this / yeah / have you any idea / OK / trout farm / I mean / you / buy a house next to a t__ river / me, personally / too dangerous / that small for / wade / small / he'd have to do / in the shallow / special ... a special learner pool just for him to go / have to / somebody / lower me in, guys? I'm going fishing / you know, maybe / he's got a smaller subsection for himself.
I do want / a bit more / I like it / on telly / standard / TV size / yes, they do / But, in real life / can be tiny / meet them / like / wow / actually seeing / person / in real life / physically overwhelming sometimes / quick game of / people we've met / you do it, and I'll guess whether this person is bigger or smaller / about the same size / little / this is called b__ or l__ / first / Dave G__ / ex Nirvana, and, of course, / food fighters / OK / instinct / kind of / so, probably / smaller than you think. / is that / see / it's quite a good one. Um ... going back to the 80's / yeah / remember the TV show "That's Life" / Yes, I do, yeah. / Uh, Gavin Campbell / giant / as a nine-year-old, I met him / autograph / and / can I / autograph, please / hand on my head / right / his entire hand covered my entire head / massive man / he was just / he was just so excited to have someone ask his autograph, you know / it was a charity cricket match, and / just / quickly / haven't met / I'd like to find out / Brian B__ / with / much smaller than you think / Is he? / yeah / OK / he's a little fella / looks enormous / wonderful. Wonderful. Good / he told me a story / story about / went to the moon / wow / yeah / flying / beside him / that's amazing / should / I think he has / spoken about alients / great thing about that story / told me like this / do you know, Buzz said to me / they were flying alongside, flying alongside / for years / that is amazing / oh, that is amazing / a couple for you. / OK. / Uh ... now / a hint / David D__ / what would you have assumed / D__, ... personally I would have assumed that, uh, he's about ... you know / foot / course / he's massive / he's a giant. He's __ foot __ / in TV Center years ago / look at the size / if you / apparently if you walk / men in black / one / real life / chiwawa / a bit / you know what I mean / that kind of vibe / My favorite one is __ __ __ seven / when I was working __ __ TV Centre / lots of c__, lots of double doors / yeah / right / I was / people arriving / the other side / two people / two people arriving / I could see. So, I opened the door to let them through / yeah / and / to suggest how big they were, and how big you'd expect / I / firstly, I'd say / I met / yeah / what / but / two of them / cracks of the / リノリウム / but / blonde lady was really tall / we did a ... we did a gig somewhere once / I don't remember / some point / new kids on the block / yeah / assembled / super-group / put them all together / we were at the same venue as them, and / hanging up / dressing room / dry my hands / used his vest / dry / after / toilet. So, / good showbiz story / good showbiz story / I like / went on / during their gig / audience / one / what's going on, you guys? / trying to ruin the show, giving people / during the show, guys / they were hungry. You know what I mean? / sandwiches / rightly so, because they need feeding / as far as I can see / when I opened / I held the door open / yeah / and, as God is my witness / all walked in under my arm / like Santa's little helpers. Santa's little helpers / Right. After this, / yeah, / have / have you ever been telepathic?
this week, scientists proved that telepathy is possible, Eggz. / Now, this is my kind of feature. I've said this all along / Good. Good. / I'm glad you are in / hard facts / Hard facts are these / for the first / important / let's / like a ... like a ... a proper school / you are the teacher / researhers / said / needs to be robust. / Yeah. / for the first / sceptical / now / "For the first time / able to send a simple mental message from one person to another without any contact between the two / miles apart in India and France / Awesome. / so far, incredible / that paragraph is incredible / H__ University, USA" So, you know, good / that one / shows technology can be used / transmit / one person's brain / even / in this case / away / Wow, wow, hang on, stop for sec. / used technology? / Technology / funny / same word / picked up on the same word / "Hang on" next to it / telepathic skill / let's see where this leads. / OK. / It's kind of technological / realization / definitely / not magical." said / theoretical physicist and co-author / bluh, bluh, bluh / "We are using technology to / to interact / That's a telephone ただの電話じゃねーか!/ what you used / with / yeah / pretty much like saying / a man in India / a man in France / after watching the DVD of Ghostbusters / it's a little bit like that / for the experiment / out / one person wearing a wireless internet-linked electro__gram / I think they've just put that in to make it sound like it's not really just a telephone 単なる電話だと思われたくないためにこんなややこしい名前の装置を / think / simple greeting like / __ __, hang on a sec / if / send / if you are gonna send a message / gonna be subject / scientific / different / you don't send / wod "hello" 「ハロー」でテストになるか!/ falling apart just a little bit / everything about / keep going, keep going, because it ... it may / keep going / keep going / what / translate the words / into / digital binary code / presented / series of ones and zeros." / this isn't telepathy / Am I right, Eggzy? / Yeah. Who ... who's paying for ... for all this? / ebola / investigate on that こんなことにかける金があったらエボラの研究でもしたらどうだ。今大変なんだぞ。どうかしてんじゃねーのか。/ moving on / this message / one / zeros / emailed from India / delivered via / back / love / robot which actually is a man / called Darren / I imagine / here's your message / oh, dear ... yeah / they gave it to a robot, and / gave it to a receiver / non-invasive brain stimulation / is that / telephone / non-invasive / watch telly / what they did / flashes of light / peripheral vision / basically / sent flashes of light, which is / light version / in my mind / this is / a man in a room whilst / another man covered in tin foil / basically, a man / clock around his neck / public enemy / torch / in his face / hello / says / coming through / sending a message through from India / yeah / I still can't get it / light / on my eyes. Just / turn / send / searchlight / this is, this is, this is ... / science at its peak / right / I'll read on / talk about this / conclusion / I want your thoughts / OK / so, the subject / did not hear or see the words / yeah / ok / ok / but / able to / the message. / So, basically, as you / just / what you / just said / other people __ able to say / tell us what happened / Well, what happened was / was / having a cup of tea / and a robot walked / some / in my face / basically, right now, right now, probably someone in America listening if we are lucky / near a sort of light / near / as well / we are telepathic / hang on. It's coming through ... yeah. Hello. Definitely / look at / my mind / quite / want it to be / guy in ... in ... uh, America lifting up a mug of tea / basically, I think ... what I wanted was, someone / on something / head exploding / really I wanted / I know / if that / wow / wouldn't that be really good? Wouldn't that be amazing? / genuine information __ each other / someone / person in America thinks " / I want you to go to / guy / out / the corner shop / yeah / and I want you to buy a milkshake / certainly / urge / don't know why 何故だかはわからないが、なんとなく、ミルクシェークが買いたいな。/ and then / that's impressive. / OK. I / settle / a bloke in America / concentrate / energy / headache / slight nose bleed / all right / mini / terrible headache / nose bleeds / got a tissue / psychic game / you and I / scientific experiment / head explodes / I don't know what the consequence will be / genuine scientific experiment. / 'cause it's quite a small room / messy / I doubt / just as a back-up, though, if it does happen, / yeah / know / wonderful life 念のため、万が一、もしも、ほんとにここで僕の頭が爆発してしまった場合に備えて、言っておきます。みんな、ありがとう。みんなのおかげで僕の人生はとても楽しいものでした。/ I'm happy to go now / not a problem / put / over the top / yeah / leaning back / from / over your head / catch / just go home with it / know / in primary school / brain containment unit / head / explode / psychic madness / ... Right. Well, / I don't know the consequence / have a go / be called / "What are you thinking, Eggzy?" / self-explanatory, really まあ、そのままのタイトルだけど / yeah / try / you / transmitted to me / OK / in a conventional telepathic way / my forehead, I suppose / work it out. / I / now / transmit this image / tell me / gonna start, though / deep / I'm gonna start ....... now. / image / we appreciate / this isn't __ great radio / great science / try this / have to go / concentrate / you can ... you know / fill in a little bit / keep reminding people we are on air / doing / I've chosen the image which / I'm projecting / Korky's mind right now / very strong image / that / if he / guess / I mean, we will / entertaining the nation, we will be / by, by ... I mean, the images / across / an image / I've got a selection of images / tell / and one is pushing itself / further foward than the others / now / before you let that image out / strong / I have here is a very strong image / I have got an image / I've dismissed three, / OK / go for the strongest / dog / and a tree / one / really / carouselling__ in my mind / really / forward / and it's staying with me / transmit / OK. I've got it / I've got something / OK. Now, ... so, technically / I've sent the image to your brain / Huh huh / are you ready, at this point / images / listeners at home must be very excited __ this scientific history breakthrough. ... What do you / is / C__y Castle / the answer was ... purple octopus with an eye-patch / eight __ under / sadly, it didn't quite work
Right. We've got / superb resonses / people / telepathic / in the morning / I foresee when the green man is about to / crossing / you are going to dismiss this as me knowing the sequence / traffic どうせ、私が信号の動きを事前に知っているだけだろうと、あなたがたは言うでしょうけど。/ but, I mean, if you / that much / remain / scared / maybe / don't knock people / well done / Yeah. Positive spin. 送ってくれるだけでも有難いじゃないか。リスナーを励ますような言い方をしろよ。/ great time / obsession / traffic / to watch / I am telepathic / because / slug that off / come on / optimism それは単に楽観的というんだ。テレパシーじゃない。/ yeah / "Morning, Korky and Eggzy / for / big / little / about 6 /
past / lot / guess / actually / dig / trench / alongside / them / also says / I'm telepathic / yeah / I mean / I was / text / due to / already know / Well, Jim, I think you should go and / Good. Good. / let's
big news / experiment / this is what entertainment is all about. This really is, uh ... this is / involved / first / like / that's a long way away / Miles away. / bond between / I can feel the bond / you didn't realize / already a bond between / I feel / (obi one kenobi) here. Wonderful / America / in the name of science to open / receptors / any message Eggzy wants / get / result / avoid / I'm very attached to it ただ、私の頭が爆発しない程度にお願いしますね。今の頭、わりと気に入ってますから。/ explosion thing / but, uh, I can't promise that 確約はできない。/ mean / what I can do / some / send / it's not just / talking / person-to-person / across / the other side of the globe / perhaps / music playing / possibly / now / I / describe / got / tell me / how long / stop, stop it / have you sent part of the image / the whole thing / one big / mental / and it's gone / now / so / mean / because of the distance / information / more strongly? And, if so / blast / shot / ten seconds? / Um ... / I've done it / just done / hope / still listening / back touch / let us know / sent / write it down / write / down / watch this / a bit more clearly / so that you can read it / undo the envelope / what / noise / on the mic now / that's it. I / just make / like / envelope / what I'm doing / (dusting) away a wasp / hang on a minute / clearly / OK / live international scientific experiment on telepathy, right here, right now, live on BBC Radio Wales / Rhod / preparing / in a format / physical format / you will be able to read / when / ready / you're done? / nearly / way / you seem much calmer / on this / normally / chimp / that's it. And now I / just / what I'm gonna do / got / made / documented the image / on a piece of paper / specially made / I can see that / just between the two of us / that's good / affect / email / does that help? / it may help. It may help. / enhance the bond / hope / through now. / give her time to / digest that image / us / about, uh ... 20 minutes. I was telepathic once. / OK / dad / garry / blown away by it / in / guessed / instantly thought / connection / spooky. / I like it. I like it. There is ... there is __ type of logic there / my / telepathy / transmitted thoughts by invisible vibration / Good. Very good. / Yeah, good, but / going / know / of course / student / I'm the teacher / it's that kind of vibe. / Eggzy / big news / what / international scientific experiment in telepathy / recipient / brilliant / back / this / ground / what / image / sent / I've also channeled to her using my mind, yeah. / hard copy / in front of me / next / originally / a bit of / this is / Laura thought / email / clear my mind as best I can / concentrate / very hard / link / to all street philosophers / Mmm, good. / coming / a tiny B__ B__ riding / armored hedgehog steed / crying / now / hang on / OK / I feel pretty confident / Eggzy's subconscious somewhere." Laura / think / this is interesting / because what she said / read mine / read mine / go on. Read mine. / E.T. in a wig and lipsic / music from Titanic / They both involve vehicles. They both involve vehicles. / Yeah. Come on. Hang on ... / see / wait / something / riding or driving / so / let's / controlling a vehicle / know / toy / that's the / image / I got it / she had a tiny / so, we've both taken a ... a character / that's good, yeah / had / an armored hedgehog / vehicles in motion / so, there's a vehicle / wow / look at that / shouting "Release the badgers!" / and you had him singing / see / how similar these things are / ground-breaking science / don't / here's the thing, right? / yeah / obviously, the detail / completely different / but / the shape of the image / house on a hill doing nothing / or a packet of fudge / really / relationship / every time I get the chance to broadcast. And I think / we may make / history / Today, we've made it.
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